Monday, July 20, 2009

It is a nice and cool day today.  I love this weather (unless of course it is raining, then I hate that) but it only rained a little bit today and I was inside Tim Horton's.  My favorite place.  Mom is doing well today, we met up with our friend Donna and her granddaughter, Samantha.  She is a nice kid, 16 years old.  Not snotty at all, a little cheeky at times, but not a snot.  Most of the kids I know are nice kids, I only hear about the bratty ones.  I do have one who can be a brat, but fortunately she isn't around me.  She is rather nice around me.  Of course, I am not her sister, which is who she is bratty around.  It must be a sister thing (I only have brothers!).  

My arm is in less pain today thanks to the weather and good pain killers.  Not much going on, I had 2 students today.  One is rather new, she is very excited about voice lessons.  I love that kind of a student.  She got all but one of her new books, because the store was out of it, the ordered so she will have it next week.  We started her Italian art song.  She did very well.  It does help when a student is already learning another romantic language.  My other student, an adult, is doing very well on the piano too.  I have two students tomorrow too.  Both are boys and are very interested in music.  One plays piano and the other tenor saxophone.  Both are in high school now.  The pianist is a freshman and the tenor sax is a sophomore.

I hope we can go for a walk tonight.  My scooter is all charged up and sort of ready to go.  I have to take it out of the trunk of the car, but once we get her out and put back together, she will be ready.

Have a great evening!  I hope this finds you doing well!

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